Friday, May 8, 2015

Reading to Children, an Unfair Advantage?

As fans of children's literature (whether hardcover, softcover or eBook) this ABC Radio National article, by Joe Gelonesi, draws a conclusion that may be obvious to us:

"‘The evidence shows that the difference between those who get bedtime stories and those who don’t—the difference in their life chances—is bigger than the difference between those who get elite private schooling and those that don’t,’ he says."
-a quote in the article from philosopher Adam Swift

So more than an elite private school, being read to bestows more advantage to children? That. Is. Tremendous! 

Doesn't it make you want to go read aloud a book to a child? Knowing that it's more valuable to the child's future than a private school education?

With eBooks and Book Apps adding even more reading options and interaction with children, never before has literary technology been a greater advantage to children. 

I believe the advantage of reading to a child is mostly from the relationship and emotional bond that develops between the child and parent who is reading. However, because Book Apps actually "read aloud" to a child, and children control the narration at a touch (repetition of a favorite part? no problem!), I've seen great value in Book Apps raising childhood literacy. Do you agree?

The title of this article is, "Is Having A Loving Family An Unfair Advantage?"  Click on the link to read the entire article. 

Note: posting this does not mean I agree with everything the author Gelonesi postulates. In fact, I disagree with whole parts of it. But I obviously agree with the conclusions drawn about reading aloud to children. And I thought you might find it interesting too.

~Valerie Harmon

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